Thursday, August 31, 2006

Chicago setting for Bush assassination film

The Sheraton Hotel is somewhat isolated, as unlikely as that sounds since it's located just northeast of Chicago's Loop, so it's the place where presidents coming to Chicago usually speak at, or stay a few nights--as Bill Clinton did when the Democratic National Convention was in Chicago ten years ago.

The US Secret Service likes the place.

So the idiots who made a movie about a successful assassination attempt against President Bush did their research.

From NBC 5 Chicago:

A provocative new film about President George W. Bush is about to hit the Toronto Film Festival.

It's a mock documentary called "Death Of A President" and portrays Bush being assassinated.

The film is set to be released in October 2007, and film shows the president being gunned down here in Chicago as he leaves the Sheraton Hotel. The film's director said it's meant to be thought provoking, not sensationalistic.

He said it explores the effect the assassination would have on the war on terror, and on American society.

Bullshit. If that was their point, they could've put a "Bush-like" president as the target in the film.

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