Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Arrest made in Indiana sniper case

From ABC 7 Chicago:

An arrest was made Tuesday in a series of sniper shootings in Indiana. One person was killed and another wounded in four sniper attacks on drivers on interstates 65 and 69 on Sunday. Now, 17-year-old Zachariah Blanton is charged with murder.

Indiana State Police were joined by the governor of Indiana to announce the arrest Tuesday afternoon. Those shootings happened Sunday in Seymour and Muncie, and put the region on high alert.

Zack Blanton is a shot-putter on his high school track team. Now, he is charged with firing a different kind of shot. Detectives say last weekend Blanton was with some friends hunting deer on property his family owns in southern Indiana. They say the teenager left the posse in a red pickup truck, and then committed the sniper attacks that killed one man, wounded another and shot up several vehicles.

It's believed the Hammond shooting earlier today is a copycat crime, which sounds harmless, but the nut shot at a passing car.

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