Saturday, March 25, 2006

Moron Prince Charles

Wow, here is an Associated Press article that really hammers a good point home.

And I don't write stuff like that very often. I have a lot more about Prince Charles and his appeasement tour in the following post.

An excerpt from the AP story:

Prince Charles took his message of religious tolerance Saturday to an Islamic university that follows Saudi Arabia's strict Wahhabi school of the faith, but he made no mention of the lack of religious freedoms in the country.

Because of the strict segregation of the sexes in Saudi Arabia, Charles and his wife Camilla had to carry out separate functions on Saturday. Camilla visited the first women's charity to be set up in the kingdom, admiring traditionally embroidered dresses and watching a trainee give a haircut to a colleague.

Wow, she watched a woman give a haircut to another woman! I'm sure her mind wandered to the good old days when she was the mistress to the Prince of Wales. All fun, no boredom. Well, I'm sure there was some pre-marital boredom with Charles.

Here is the exclamation point of the AP article:

In its annual Report on International Religious Freedom issued in November, the State Department listed ally Saudi Arabia and Iran as countries of "particular concern" for their hostility to any religion other than their versions of Islam. Every citizen of Saudi Arabia must be Muslim, the report said, and religious freedom is neither recognized nor protected under Saudi law.

Let's hope the notoriously feisty British press slugs Charles hard over his recent comments made in the Middle East--or lack of comments.

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