Thursday, March 30, 2006

College Republican group counters PC-think in California

"And it was inevitable that some of these people pushed back..."
Ray Bradbury, The Martian Chronicles.

From Bruce Thorton of the the Jewish Press:
Hats off to the University of California at Riverside College Republicans. They recently hosted a program that contrasted the vile anti-Semitic slander that saturates the Muslim media with the cartoons of Mohammed that sparked riots throughout with Muslim world. Of course this exercise in constitutionally protected free speech was noisily protested by the campus Muslim group, the same people who, when they’re not squealing about "hate speech," host speakers like Amir Abdel Malik Ali, who recycles the standard catalogue of anti-Semitic lunacy repackaged as "pro-Palestinianism" and "anti-Zionism."
Here is my favorite part:
Given the craven careerism of the typical college provost, dean, and president, then, and given the left-wing prejudices or lazy indifference of most of the faculty, it’s up to students to make their university live up to its role as protected space for what Matthew Arnold called "the free play of the mind on all subjects." This doesn’t mean that university officials should censor or limit any speech, but rather that they should encourage and insure through their control of facilities and funds that speech is balanced, that as many points of view as possible are available, and that no point of view is allowed to be intimidated or in turn to silence others.
Hat tip to Steven Plaut.

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