Thursday, March 30, 2006

Another voice on DePaul's hypocrisy

This one goes back a couple of months, but Penraker gives DePaul a good Fisking, and I'm a bit jealous since I didn't think of it first.

And this little Gulag even says this on its website:

Diverse: Motivated by a deep respect for the God-given dignity of each person, we believe that tolerance and understanding stem from honoring different viewpoints.

Oops - another lie.

But they immediately reveal why they can't stand free speech:

You’ll find multiculturalism everywhere, from the faces of our employees and students to the dynamic nature of our classroom discussions.

Oh, I bet those classroom discussions are simply scintillating - all of the kids have been carefully taught to answer in proper manner - or be charged with "harassment". I bet they even have a "Room 101", complete with head-cages and a few lab rats.

With more than 200 student organizations, you’ll also find others who share your interests, from social activism and professional groups to intramural sports and cultural clubs.

You know, it used to not even be "social activism" if the college encouraged it; this sort of takes the fun out of it.

As FIRE notes, DePaul disciplined a teacher last year for engaging in a heated discussion with Muslim Students - who obviously have been taught to play the system and use it to terrrorize those who date to stand up to them.

Here's more on the that teacher, fired Professor Thomas Klocek.

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