Monday, February 20, 2006

Only in Illinois: Book store is "all Lincoln all the time"

Yes, it's true--there is a bookstore in Illinois, sometimes called the Land of Lincoln, that has only one category of books: Abraham Lincoln ones. You'll find the bookstore on Chicago's North Side.

The name of the bookstore? What else, the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop.

As ABC 7 Chicago reports, the store was founded in 1938, and has been run for the last 21 years by Dan Weinberg.

From that story:

Weinberg says old Honest Abe was great for many reasons. He was a strong leader with strong ethics and high morals. But more than anything, long before television, he was the first great communicator.

"The great speeches are great speeches," said Weinberg. "Some of the best in American history, and he was able to inculcate the great ideas of America and place them before the people and the world."

Thousands of books, thousands of pieces of memorabilia. It's a museum, but it's also a book shop and that means everything is for sale, like the second earliest photo ever taken of Lincoln. It was taken in Chicago.

"It's Lincoln in '54, 1854," Weinberg said. "Holding an Illinois state sign, an anti-slavery newspaper and look at the Brillo pad of hair he has."

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