Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Ex-Gov. Ryan won't testify in his corruption trial

Outside of Illinois, former Ill. Governor George Ryan is best known as the man who commuted all of the death penalty sentences in the state to life in prison. That act got him on as a guest on the Oprah show, and the he even was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

In Illinois, Ryan, a Republican, is better known for his alleged role in various corruption scandals while he was Secretary of State in the Land of Lincoln. The SOS office pretty much is what's called the Department of Motor Vehicles in most states.

He's also known as the man who turned the Illinois GOP into a pariah in the nation's fifth most populous state.

After five months of testimony, the trial seems to be winding down. AP reports today that the former governor will not testify in his defense.

For more information on the Ryan trial, has a trial blog, and you can find that here.

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