Saturday, January 21, 2006

Osama, Amerika, and Empire

Earlier this month FrontPage Magazine's Steven Plaut discussed the winter quarter theme series at Chicago's DePaul University, "Confronting Empire."

"Empire" not being the Austro-Hungarian sort, but the United States of America.

For the last decade or so, "empire" has been a code word for the far-left in reference to their view that America (or as they like to call it, Amerika, or AmeriKKKa), is the source of all evil in the world.

As Plaut wrote in his article:

According to the Dean (My note, Chuck Suchar), DePaul hopes through the “Theme Series” to achieve the following objectives:

to engage in a College wide (and broader) conversation about the current state of and developing trends in the global order, not only for the purpose of advancing a theme of great interest to faculty and students but also to significantly enhance the community of intellect and engagement in the University;

to promote a wide range of views and participants in this conversation about empire and opposition (bold print mine) in its contemporary and historical dimensions utilizing the increasingly global interests of our faculty and students;

to question the nature of the American role and the role of other nations and interests in the emerging order and consider the forms of appropriate action, engagement and scholarship in light of that assessment.

In other words, it is to be a one-sided campaign of on-campus brainwashing designed to turn DePaul students into Manchurian candidates of radical political correctness.

This weekend "empire" is back in the news. In his recently released audio message, Osama bin Laden gave an endorsement of William Blum's "Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower."

Said UBL to America:

"It is useful for you to read the book 'The Rogue State.'"

That book, as Reuters reported earlier today, skyrocketed from 209,000 to 30 on Amazon's top sellers list in just two days.

Oh, I wonder if Osama knows Blum is Jewish? Hat tip to Israelly Cool on that one.

After doing a bit of research on Blum on his website, it's clear he's an anti-AmeriKKKan zealot. "Rogue State" isn't his only book; there is also "Freeing the World to Death : Essays on the American Empire."

Yes, another "empire confronter."

Blum's quite pleased about the Evil One's recommendation of "Rogue State." From the same Reuters article:

"I was glad. I knew it would help the book's sales and I was not bothered by who it was coming from."

Which brings to mind this famous quote by Comrade Lenin. He was wrong about just about everything, but he hit upon one of the darkest corners of human nature with this sentence:
"When it is time to hang the capitalists, they will sell us the rope."

Meanwhile, Bin Laden has a vision of empire as well. His own.

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