Friday, January 20, 2006

"Captain Hook," ex-Finsbury Park Mosque imam, defends suicide bombings

Abu Hamza al-Masri, the former imam of the radical north London Finsbury Park Mosque, defended suicide bombings in a British court today, saying that they are an appropriate form of warfare and "the highest form of martyrdom," The Times reports.

He's on trial in the UK for inciting murder and race hatred. Surprised? You shouldn't be.

Convicted shoe bomber Richard Reid and the alleged 20th 9/11 hijacker, Zacarias Moussaoui, are said to be former worshippers at the Finsbury Park Mosque.

Al-Masri's son, Mohammed Mustafa Kamel, served a three year sentence in Yemen for taking part in a bombing campaign there.

"Captain Hook" made the outrageous claim three years ago that God caused the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, saying:

"These missions would increase the number of satellites for military purposes. It would increase the slavery of governance of other countries by America. It is a punishment from God. Muslims see it that way. It is a trinity of evil because it carried Americans, an Israeli and a Hindu, a trinity of evil against Islam. The fact that the motor of the craft fell on Palestine - all these are messages from God. It is a strong message, for the Israeli, to be taken up there to space and he spoke about the Holocaust, to try to make religious advancement from it and gain some moral high ground, hence you have seen this message over Palestine."

Sounds like "race hatred" to me.

Abu Hamza al-Masri also faces terrorism charges in the US.

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