Saturday, December 24, 2005

Blogroll addition: DePaulCA

DePaul student and friend-of-the-blog Derrick Wlodarz sent me a Christmas Eve e-mail telling me that the DePaul Conservative blog, DePaulCA, is up and running. It's because of Derrick and young Illinoisans like him that I'm confident Illinois will be a Republican state once again. The blog is here, and it's a good one.

A couple of DePaul odds and ends I wanted to get out there again, since a lot of new people have been visiting Marathon Pundit. One of the ironies of Ward Churchill's appearance this autumn at DePaul was that Todd Beamer, who shouted at "Let's Roll" on ill-fated Flight 93 on Sept. 11, was a DePaul alumnus.

And DePaul is one of the plaintiffs in the case FAIR vs. Rumsfeld. DePaul and other universities, organized as FAIR, are asking the government to take their side in okaying its ban on military recruiting on their campuses, in response to the Defense Department's "Don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the armed forces.

Liberalism, for now, is deeply entrenched at DePaul. Big things have small beginnings, and DePaulCA may be the impetus for change there.

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