Monday, November 28, 2005

Jonah Goldberg in the latest National Review

Goldberg is a great writer. In the latest print edition of the National Review, Jonah has an article titled "Citizens of the World." Cosmopolitanism is discussed, in the original sense of the word. As Goldberg writes, "The World actually harks back to the Greek thinker Diogenes, who explained that he wasn't a citizen of any city (polis), but rather a citizen of the world (cosmos)."

Of course this helps explain the anti-US group think of the Left.

Goldberg goes on to say:

In a vast array of policy areas, the Left increasingly defines itself as pro-world and anti-U.S. According to a recent Pew survey, the less you like to fly the American flag, the more likely you are to be a Democrat. The more you believe the United Nations is the last, best hope in the world, the more likely you are to be a Democrat. And, saddest of all, the more you believe America is a negative factor on the world stage, the more likely you are to be a Democrat.

"Citizens of the World" isn't online yet, but here is a whole load of Jonah Goldberg National Review Online articles.

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