Monday, November 28, 2005

Fire (my coach)

A column by Mike Downey of the Chicago Tribune got me thinking on this subject of web sites dedicated to firing coaches. Fire Joe, the subject of Downey's wrath, has backed down a bit from its "noble" cause, and the domain owner has reserved the domain name "Keep Joe" Too bad the board of directors at Penn State didn't reserve it first.

My first foray into internet activism was Blue States for Bush. I got some hate e-mails, which I expected. The e-mails I got that really troubled me usually followed this line of thought.

"Your site sucks as much as Bush does. What really pisses me off is that we live in an age where any idiot can set up his own web site to spread his BS."

That "idiot" of course was me. Naturally, I disagreed with statements like that, but now I'm going to follow suit with my detractors and pretty much say the same thing, and say that "It's sad we live in an age where any idiot...."

Yes, these men (I don't know of any "Fire My Coach Sites" aimed at female coaches), are well-paid, and they're public figures who, as if it was in their job description, tolerate heckling in every imaginable form. But I've been fired from a job more than once--it's very painful.

And about these webmasters who create the sites? Are they deluded enough to believe that their "Fire My Coach Sites" have any effect on the personnel decision making of professional sports team general manager or college athletic directors?

Sad to say, my belief is yes, they probably believe they're on top of some great wave of public emotion.

In truth these people are more likely colossal jerks. There probably the same people who regularly cut into supermarket checkout lines.

In tracking down these sites, I didn't use a scientific approach. However, it seems the "Fire My Coach" phenomenon is concentrated within collegiate sports.

Below are some more of these "Fire My Coach Sites." I'm sure there are plenty more out there. Yes, there is another site dedicated to having Joe Paterno getting a pink slip.
Fire Quin Snyder. The Missouri Tigers basketball coach.
Fire Ty Willinhgam. The Washington Huskies (and former Notre Dame head football coach). This domain, established while Ty was the Notre Dame coach (until he got fired), was apparently started by a Fighting Irish "fan." Oh, the domain is for sale. Mean spirited inquirers need only apply.
Fire Dusty Chicago Cubs manager. Steve Bartman's victim.
Fire Mike Tice The Minnesota Vikings head coach. The Vikings just ended an undefeated November.
Fire Ron A very cruel site. The site owner got his wish, the University of Florida fired Zook, who is now the head football coach at Illinois.
Fire Joe He's only won a few World Series trophies while manager of the New York Yankees.
Fire Mike Head football coach at Alabama. Looks like this soon-to-be masterpiece just got set up.
Fire Tiller as in Joe Tiller, head football coach at Purdue. The guy had one bad season, and now this indignity.
Fire Mike "fan" site, from a "supporter" of the Indiana Hoosiers basketball team.
Fire Dave The owner of this site got his wish: Dave was fired as head coach of the Miami Dolphins. He's now at the University of Pittsburgh in the same role. The site domain name is for sale, and for just $500, a Pittsburgh Panther "fan" can take over this web site.

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