Sunday, October 23, 2005

More Ward Churchill/DePaul: "The World Can't Wait, Drive Out the Bush Regime"

The photo on the left was taken outside of the DePaul Student Activities Center, where Ward Churchill spoke Thursday.

The second photo was taken two Sundays ago during my Chicago Marathon photoblog.

The banner in the background has the same message as the one on the left.

I'm not sure what the Chicago Marathon, DePaul, or Ward Churchill have to do with the Bush Administration, but the counterprotesters I attempted to engage in conversation weren't the most rational people on the planet.

They should've just stuck with their chant, "The World Can't Wait, Drive Out the Bush Regime!"

See the woman in the long brown hair on the left (of course) side of the banner in the first pic? She's a member of World Can't Wait, a hard Left organization. Among her delusions is her belief that David Horowitz and Bill O'Reilly are forces in America working to drive out free speech. Leftists of course have a deep and understandable contempt for Horowitz: He switched sides and joined the Right.

But give her credit, she's not completely oblivious: Several times she recited the precise web address for one of David Horowitz' projects, Students for Academic Freedom. She's against that, and the groups' Academic Bill of Rights.

But Lefty Gal supports Ward Churchill and free speech. Make sense?

Oh, and about "Driving out the Bush Regime:"

On November 2 last year, we had an election where the "Bush Regime" could've been driven out. As you can see in the banner, November 2 is the date for their rally, the first anniversary of Bush's re-election.

Oh, something else happened on November 2, 2004. Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh was murdered as a result of expressing his free speech rights in the form of a movie called "Submission."

I know it's conjecture, but somehow, especially since Van Gogh was a Bush supporter, Lefty Gal would find a way to claim what Van Gogh did shouldn't be protected by free speech laws. Just conjecture, but one I'd bet money on.

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