Saturday, October 22, 2005

DePaul's Chuck Suchar's sucky ideas of America as "Empire"

The craziness at Chicago's DePaul University goes well beyond the ill-advised Ward Churchill invite and the disgraceful suspension of Professor Thomas Klocek.

Dr. Steven Plaut at Moonbat Central has another post on DePaul "University," as he calls it.

Interim Liberal Arts & Sciences Dean at DePaul, Chuck Suchar , has some sucky ideas about America. You see, America is an Empire. Capital "E." And the Empire needs to be confronted.

Chuck is a sociology professor, and as much as I'd hate to paint an entire discipline with a broad brush, sociology departments at perhaps every college--with the possible exceptions of Kenyon, Hillsdale, and Rockford, are dominated by the Loony Left.

From Moonbat Central and Dr. Plaut, who quotes Interim Dean Suchar below:

The College hopes through the Theme Series to achieve the following objectives:
to engage in a College wide (and broader) conversation about the current state of and developing trends in the global order, not only for the purpose of advancing a theme of great interest to faculty and students but also to significantly enhance the community of intellect and engagement in the University;

  • to promote a wide range of views and participants in this conversation about empire and opposition in its contemporary and historical dimensions utilizing the increasingly global interests of our faculty and students;
  • to question the nature of the American role and the role of other nations and interests in the emerging order and consider the forms of appropriate action, engagement and scholarship in light of that assessment.
The College is asking for the following faculty cooperation:

I know that a number of Departments and Programs are already organizing or joining in the organization of events for the Theme Series, and want to encourage your participation in your Department or Program’s planning.

In order to establish a participant base of students and courses for the events, I have asked Departments and Programs with your assistance to identify applicable Winter and Spring Quarter courses under two categories
  • Courses that will center on themes related to Empire, current or historical, and the instructors
  • courses that will have some component on this theme and the instructors
This will allow us to publicize these courses as Theme Series options for interested students, and to ensure ongoing notification of instructors and students involved in the Series.
If you are teaching one of these courses, I would ask you to consider encouraging or requiring student participation in Theme Series events.

To me, it appears that Chuck Suchar is setting up a Viet Cong type "re-education" camp at DePaul. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration on my part, but clearly Suchar and the other professors involved in the Empire Theme Series are promoting anti-Americanism, plain and simple.

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