Monday, June 27, 2005

PC police driving out Indiana professor?

Well, it seems that way. Hat tip to the Volokh Conspiracy, which has been very helpful in getting the word out on the Thomas Klocek case.

According to Ruth Holladay of the Indianapolis Star, William C. Bradford is a veteran of the first Gulf War and served also in Bosnia. He's a Silver Star winner and an Apache Indian.

Since 2001, Bradford has been an associate professor at Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis, and Holladay writes, "his expertise is international law, federal Indian law and national security/foreign relations law. He has four degrees, including one from Harvard Law."

But there are problems for Bradford in Indy. Again from Holladay's column:

But he's under fire, he said, because his ideas about the war on terror do not conform to views held by Professors Mary Harter Mitchell, 52, and Florence Wagman Roisman, 66.

It goes on...

Mitchell long has been an anti-war activist. She did not return three calls on Friday.

Roisman said she is a proud member of the left. "I am a person of very progressive politics," she said. "Everybody there would tell you I am the most to-the-left person (on the faculty.)"

In winter 2003, Roisman made news for objecting to a tree with ornaments in the school lobby. After it was removed, she successfully lobbied against a new display -- an Indiana winter scene.

I thought the Left liked art?

Back to Professor Bradford, from Holladay's column:

Bradford wrote a defense of the flag after 9/11 -- one that hung in the school lobby until some faculty objected.

He refused to sign a letter sent by Roisman defending Ward Churchill. He's the Colorado professor who called victims of 9/11 "little Eichmanns."

And as we all know, Ward is not a real Indian.

This is still a developing issue; the column points out that Bradford is still employed by the IU School of Law-Indianapolis, but has been called "uncollegial" in a review. Bradford says the two other professors mentioned in this post, Mitchell and Roisman, have consistently voted to deny him tenure.

I'll be keeping an eye on this story.

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