Friday, June 17, 2005

Must be the first name: 9/11 "artist" Kerry Skarbakka tries to spin his way out of a mess

I blogged on this yesterday morning about Chicago "artist" Kerry Skarbakka, who stages mock falls off buildings as some sick tribute to the September 11, 2001 WTC tragedy.

Well, according to NBC 5, Kerry, like his quasi-namesake Senator John Kerry, is singing a different tune, out of both sides of his mouth of course.

From NBC 5:

Skarbakka, 35, captures photographs of himself in mid-fall -- off of ladders, bridges, cliffs, and now, buildings. On Tuesday, he repeatedly jumped off the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago while wearing a harness under a business suit.

A reporter from New York thought Skarbakka's stunt paralleled 9/11.
Skarbakka, who lives in Brooklyn, said Thursday that his words were taken out of context.

"I'm sitting here reading forum submissions from people who hate me so badly, they want me to die the worst death ever. I've never received this before. These poor people that are suffering --their pain, their wounds that have been opened by something that was caused by a newspaper, not by me; I did nothing wrong. I was doing a performance piece that had nothing to do with 9/11."

But NBC 5 has "the goods" on Kerry S. This is what Kerry told NBC 5 Chicago reporter Amy Jacobson on Tuesday.

"The series really began as a response to the events of Sept. 11. This is really my way, as an artist, to respond responsibly to what I think is a really important change in our world," he said. "I'd like to say, and I'd like to be understood that the work resulted from that experience. The idea became ... it was born."

Kerry S. has been getting all kinds of nasty calls and e-mails, as well as death threats. That needs to stop. But Kerry S. needs to come clean as well, and stop being, well, Kerry-esque.

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