Sunday, April 17, 2005

Ghost of McCarthy on campus (Jay Ambrose on Klocek)

This brilliant article is printed in its entirety, courtesy of the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette.

Incidentally, I've talked to Professor Klocek too, nothing in this article contradicts what he's told me.

Chicago’s DePaul University, which has taken a couple of hits for its grotesque squashing of a professor’s free-speech rights, is hitting back, adding defamatory insult to career-ending injury – and a question comes to mind.

It’s a question that was asked by the counsel for the Army in 1954 when Sen. Joseph McCarthy was seeking out Communists in the government. He threw his charges around with little or no evidence; others in Congress did the same, and sometimes reputations were recklessly ruined.
In the hearing, McCarthy got tangled with the counsel, Joseph Welch, in suggesting that a young associate of Welch’s had Communist ties because of an affiliation in his university years.

The question matters today because what’s going on at DePaul and elsewhere is a New McCarthyism, directed this time around not at suspected Communists, but at those who voice views contrary to the politically correct, intellect-stops-here glop that passes for idealism.
The facts of the DePaul case are that Thomas Klocek, a non-tenured professor, got involved in an argument with students from Muslim and pro-Palestinian groups at an activities fair in September 2004 about their insistence that Israel was murderous in fighting back against Palestinian suicide bombers. He was booted from a class he was teaching without a hearing that DePaul’s rules demand, and it appears he will get no future assignments after 14 years of highly praised teaching.

PR staffers and the president of DePaul, the Rev. Dennis Holtschneider, have responded to news accounts and comments with e-mails to readers and letters to newspapers, managing in their self-exculpatory balderdash to worsen the original offense. Some of the ways are:

•They contend Klocek was fired for his conduct, not for what he said. The president has written that Klocek confronted the students “in a belligerent and menacing manner,” raising his voice and throwing pamphlets.

David French, president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, says the students were upset because Klocek “said something insensitive to (their) politically correct point of view.” He “got tossed because he hurt feelings,” French said, adding: “What really infuriates me is that the students were handing out literature that is provocative.”

•The DePaul president says there was a “mutual decision” that Klocek would step down after he refused to “acknowledge the inappropriateness of his behavior.” The university has encouraged him “to file a grievance and receive the hearing he claims he was denied,” he wrote, also saying: “Instead, his lawyer threatened DePaul with litigation and demanded a large sum of money. Then, he (the lawyer) hired a publicist in an attempt to exert pressure to secure the financial settlement.”


Here is a 23,000-student rich institution with its own lawyers and PR types stomping all over someone, and the president gets his dander up because the poor soul is fighting back.
John Mauk, the attorney for Klocek, points out that his client was called to a meeting where he was not advised of possible consequences, was supplied with no written charges, was given no chance to confront witnesses against him and was given no chance to keep teaching. That’s far from what the university’s rules require, and far from any notion of fair play.

•On top of everything else, the DePaul president, in an e-mail, talks of Klocek staying away from a teaching assignment “while he attended to personal health issues that we discovered were impacting his effectiveness in the classroom.” The president, says French, was “darkly hinting at mental instability.” There is no evidence of that. French says, and I agree, that the medical issue “is a smear.”

All of which brings me to that question Welch asked McCarthy.

“Have you no decency, sir, at long last?”


  1. I just found this blog, via the "Ankle Biting Pundits" site... I see that you are also an Illinois conservative, and I'm glad that the Illinois Leader is at the top of your links listing.

    Unfortunately, I am overwhelmed with work right now... for class, and for CRs... President & Mrs. Bush are going to be here tomorrow as well; I don't know if you're planning on being here for that - it should be a great event. Anyway, keep up the good work with the blogs!

  2. Bush in Sringfield? Hmmm..there is an Illinois Leader article in their archives that mentions how the Chicago mainstream media virtually ignored his important (and highly covered nationally) visit to Madison County, IL in January.

    I had no idea he was going to be in Springfield. Thanks for the tip!
