Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Biden, who quit freshman football team his FIRST semester, claims he "could've been an All-American"

Joe Biden is at it again with his lies. Now he claims he could have been a football All-American. But Biden quit the freshman football team at Delaware as a freshman.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Book review: A San Francisco Conservative, David Parker Essays Volume Two

If you are like me, a conservative trapped in a very blue part of a blue state, then you can relate to what David Parker endures. The author the partially eponymous A San Francisco Conservative David Parker Essays Volume Two, Parker lives in a place that is probably the most liberal city in America.

Parker is a retired public school teacher

About himself, Parker says:

A classical liberal, not socially conservative. Politically conservative, I believe the U.S. Constitution should be interpreted literally--that a nation that can't abide by simple set of rules written on ONE page doesn't deserve to exist. Economically conservative: I believe the market, not government, should solve a nation's economic problems. A classical liberal, I understand that social, political, and economic freedom are so inherently interconnected that society cannot restrict one without restricting the other two. Why restrict any of them?

Those are great points. Parker says he is "a card-carrying member of the ACLU," but he bemoans that this group, far from being one of my favorites by the way, should also fight for economic freedom. 

Parker in his book champions the heroes of Western civilization, men such as F.A. Hayek, John Locke, Alexis de Tocqueville, and Fredrick Douglass. Oh, and of course, the Founding Fathers of the United States. 

Naturally, Parker is an opponent of multiculturism, one of the prominent cards--in my words--in the woke deck. How did our society move away from Western civilization to multiculturism? 

Parker writes:

The shift came about because multiculturalists value individual security more than they value individual freedom--why they abandon principle of individual liberty to achieve (in their minds) a greater collective good: economic and social equality, as if beyond political equality, social and economic equality are possible, as if the U.S. Constitution wasn't designed to prevent such an attempt. Outside socialist totalitarianism, social and economic equality are not possible. 

The first part of that passage reminds me of the story Dan Bongino relates from The Walking Dead television series, when the main characters voluntarily retreat into an old prison. They give up freedom of movement to protect themselves from murderous zombies. The second part of the passage takes me to my wife, who was born in that worker's paradise, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. "We were all equal in the Soviet Union," she always says, "we were all poor."

That is why the left now speaks of "equity" instead of "equality."

Earlier I mentioned de Tocqueville. Parker relates that the author of Democracy in America "praised associational life in America," adding how he "recognized the dark side and how members of a majority with a dominant point of view can exercise great power to intimidate, to curtail liberties, to curtail free speech." Nationally, the left is not the majority, but it is in San Francisco, in the Chicago area, where I live, and of course on college campuses. But nationally, liberalism is the loudest voice--often a shrieking one. 

As the holiday season is upon us, Christmas gifts come to mind. A San Francisco Conservative David Parker Essays Volume Two is an ideal gift for those on-the-fence liberals or moderates on your shopping list who have swallowed the MSNBC lines that modern conservatism is only about social issues, or that reliable canard, white supremacy.

And you can always gift this book to yourself, and yes, to your conservative friends and relatives too. 

You can find A San Francisco Conservative David Parker Essays Volume Two on Amazon in the paperback or Kindle format by clicking here.

Meet Biden's nuclear energy specialist

Not only does it appear that a Biden administration official, nuclear energy specialist, is unaqualified for his job, he may be a thief. Oh, he's transgendered, which might explain why he was hired.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Shopping on Cyber Monday? Do so thru Marathon Pundit

Are you hard at work typing on your smartphone or computer on Cyber Monday? If so, click on the Gold Box link--which will take you straight to Amazon's Cyber Monday page. 

As I've said before, you pay nothing extra and I get a tiny commission that goes back to this blog.
Click on the below button to get started!

Happy shopping!

Five shot to death in Chicago over Thanksgiving weekend and at least 23 others were wounded, there was one mass shooting

Thanksgiving weekend saw five fatal shootings and 23 others wounded in Chicago. 

All of the deadly shootings occurred on Saturday. Two people were among four shot in a mass shooting in West Pullman on the South Side. Not too far away, Greater Grand Crossing and Auburn Gresham each saw a fatal shooting.

And on the West Side, a 40-year-old man was killed by a gunshot to the head in West Garfield Park.

So far in 2022, there have been 668 homicides in Chicago, according to Hey Jackass.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Howlin' Wolf - Down In The Bottom (Live)

There are countless songs, particularly in the rock and blues genres, about automobiles. And there are lots of tunes with trains and motorcycles in them. What about running? 

Well, your beloved Marathon Pundit hasn't found any. I am not counting songs about running away.

Here's one about the latter, Howlin' Wolf belting out Willie Dixon's "Down In the Bottom." Amazingly, it mentions running shoes.

Biden ripped as "worst president the country has seen in 100 years"

US Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL), a smart man, has this to say about Joe Biden. He is the "worst president the country has seen in 100 years." 

I'll go back further. Senile Joe is the biggest failure to occupy the White House since James Buchanan. He was elected in 1856.

Friday, November 25, 2022

White House sends mixed messages on Biden's involvement in rail strike talks

Do you remember a few months ago when Joe Biden saved our economy from the stress of a rail strike?

Only Biden didn't.

Shopping on Black Friday? Do so thru Marathon Pundit

Are you hard at work typing on your smartphone or computer on Black Friday? If so, click on the Gold Box link--which will take you straight to Amazon's Black Friday page. 

As I've said before, you pay nothing extra and I get a tiny commission that goes back to this blog.
Click on the below button to get started!

Happy shopping!

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Mark Dice: A Woke Thanksgiving! 😂

Wokism never takes a holiday. And Mark Dice talks about notable people who claimed to be a member of a different race.

Johnny Cash - Thanksgiving / I Thank You

Only one performer, Johnny Cash, could have come up with a part-spoken word, part song, Thanksgiving message like this one. 

This is from his ABC television show.

Tucker Carlson: This is a grotesque and filthy lie

Leftist journalists were quick to blame conservatives and specifically, Tucker Carlson, for the Club Q mass shooting in Colorado. But it turns out that a non-binary man (I know what I wrote) was the evil gunman. 

Not surprisingly, MSNBC and NBC propagandists were the worst in regard to the knee-jerk reactions blaming Carlson. They include Chris Hayes, Nicolle Wallace, and Ben Collins.

Happy Thanksgiving

 Have a great Thanksgiving, my fellow patriots!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Mark Dice: Thanksgiving meltdowns have started by liberals upset about white people

As with so many holidays, Independence Day, Halloween, and Christmas--Thanksgiving is another day for liberals to be enraged about.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

CBS News verifying Hunter Biden's laptop years later is 'hilarious': Rep. Stewart

More than two years after 60 Minutes propagandist Lesley Stahl refused to discuss the Hunter Biden laptop because "it hasn't been verified," her network, CBS, has done just that. 

Maria Bartiromo and US Rep. Chris Steward (R-UT) discuss.

John Stossel: This Thanksgiving, say thank you to "private property”

There is much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. America, despite the efforts of leftists, is not a socialist nation.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Amazon shoppers looking for Gold Box offers can visit Marathon Pundit

Are you an Amazon Gold Box shopper? If so, click on the below link and start clicking. You pay nothing extra--and any funds I collect get recycled into this blog.


3 killed, including one teen, and at least 19 others wounded in Chicago over weekend

The coldest weekend in months didn't slow down the violence in Chicago. Over the past weekend three people were shot to death and at least 19 others were wounded.

The fatalities include a 15-year-old girl and a 44-year-old man were shot to death in Austin on the West Side on Sunday night, a third person was wounded.

In another Sunday night West Side triple-shooting, this time in East Garfield Park, a 31-year-old man was killed. 

On the political front, today is the first day where candidates for mayor of Chicago can file petitions to appear on the ballot--the first round of voting takes place in late February. As I've mentioned before, the incumbent, Lori Lightfoot, will run for reelection. As a candidate four years ago, Lightfoot said the level of violence then was "unacceptable." 

Only it's higher now.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Eric Clapton - This Has Gotta Stop

Eric Clapton, along with Van Morrison, has been at the forefront of opposition of COVID-19 lockdowns. Which means cancel culture is out to crush him.

Earlier this week I saw some internet article about, I think, songs that shouldn't be broadcast on the radio, 

Clapton's "This Has Gotta Stop," which is believed to be about vaccine mandates, was one of them.

Which is why you see it here.

While the London tube graffiti "Clapton is God" is an enormous exaggeration, "Slowhand" is indeed godly

Related post of mine at Da Tech Guy

McEnany: It sounds like the White House is worried

The Biden Administration should be worried. Joe Biden is the boss of an influence-peddling operation--Hunter Biden is just the front man for his father.

Friday, November 18, 2022

FTX ‘scam’ was closely tied to the Democrat Party

Why isn't the mainstream media going with wall-to-wall coverage on the collapse of cryptocurrency FTX? Oh, because its ousted CEO was a yuge donor to Democrats.

This was a massive new bombshell on Hunter Biden: GOP Congressman

Is there more than the push for green energy that has driven up the price of gasoline?

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Joe Biden swoons over biceps of random Russian man in Bali

After showing a bunch of Joe Biden gaffes and other Biden goofiness, Paul Murray tells us about the latest one.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Adviser already warns press that Fetterman won't be able to handle 'yelling questions' at him 'will not work' due to stroke

And how will John Fetterman be able to follow discussions in Senate committees and on the floor of the upper chamber?

Pennsylvanians, you made a big mistake.

From Fox News:

Rebecca Kirszner Katz, adviser to Senator-Elect John Fetterman, argued on Twitter that reporters’ traditional method of "yelling questions" at senators in the hallways "will not work" with the Democratic Pennsylvania politician.

Her comment came following a Tuesday tweet from HuffPost senior politics reporter Igor Bobic, who mentioned that Fetterman did not respond to a question as they passed each other. "Spotted in Senate basement: John Fetterman. 

He didn’t answer when I asked if he’ll be able to wear his hoodie on Senate floor." Bobic tweeted. 

Katz later responded to Bobic’s question and also added the act of "yelling questions at Senators" will no longer "work" as Fetterman continues to recover from the stroke that he suffered back in May.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

LIAR: Biden DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas continues to absurdly claim the border is "secure"

Yes, it's possible for someone to be a bigger liar than a Facebook fact-checker. Joe Biden's Homeland security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, is such a person.

Fact: Our southern border is not secure.

Jesse Jackson's half-brother, Noah Robinson, released from prison, he was serving a life term

Here's a story, from the Chicago Sun-Times, that isn't getting the attention it deserves. Yes, Robinson, 80, was released under a bill, the First Step Act, that was signed into law by Donald Trump. But I believe Robinson should remain locked up--ordering a contract killing is not a crime of passion. 

More from the Sun-Times:

Noah Robinson Jr., an Ivy League-educated millionaire businessman with fast-food restaurants, was convicted of hiring hit men from Chicago’s notorious El Rukn street gang to kill a boyhood friend, Leroy "Hambone" Barber, after they got into a fistfight in South Carolina, where they’d grown up.

A woman who witnessed the killing was wounded in a later hit that Robinson ordered, and he ordered another hit that wasn’t carried out, prosecutors said. Robinson also was accused of helping El Rukn members connect with East Coast cocaine and heroin suppliers. 

Robinson was taken into federal custody in 1989 and sentenced to life in prison, but his 1991 conviction was overturned after prosecutors were accused of misconduct. He was retried in 1996 and sentenced to life in prison — a sentence that has been commuted to time served. 

He was released last month. Robinson had asked in 2020 for a "compassionate release" under the First Step Act signed into law by former President Donald Trump in 2018.
Prosecutors opposed freeing Robinson.

Two other members of Jesse Jackson's family have served time in federal prison. Former US Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr was convicted of financial irregularities involving his campaign fund. His then wife, Sandi, was convicted on tax charges. She was a Chicago alderman. Oh, they weren't called alderpersons then. 

Last week Jonathan Jackson, another son of Jesse Sr, was elected to the US House, representing a Chicago district. He'll fill the seat currently held by Bobby Rush.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Six dead and at least 21 others wounded over weekend in Chicago

The first weekend after the midterm elections saw six dead and at least 21 others wounded. Chicago goes from one election to another--as the first round of municipal elections will be in late February. Incumbent Lori Lightfoot is running for reelection. As a candidate in 2019 she said that the current level of violence is too high. 

It's higher now. 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Van Morrison - Stop Bitching, Do Something

Election Day is in the rear view mirror and now there is a lot of moaning. 

Now what? Take Van Morrison's advice given in his "Stop Bitching, Do Something."

Related post of mine at Da Tech Guy

Fox News reports on skyrocketing Thanksgiving prices

Thanksgiving 2022 will be an expensive one. Brandon sucks.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Gutfeld: Biden's student loan handout is on hold again

On what do possible recipients of Joe Biden's student loan giveaway? According to a poll, nearly three-quarters of them plan to spend it on things like travel or eating out.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Biden presidency 'is over' and his agenda will be 'done': Megyn Kelly

While the GOP didn't have a spectacular Election Day, we'll win at least the House. The situation is like a NFL game where the heavily favored team wins by one point. A win is a win. 

And it's a loss for Joe Biden, as Megyn Kelly tells us. "The Biden presidency, for all intents and purposes, is over," she tells Sky News' Paul Murray. "He won't be able to get any legislation passed through."

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

From American Spectator: Maybe America Hasn’t Suffered Enough

Election Day wasn't what I was hoping for in regards to results. Here's a piece worth studying, from Scott McKay at the American Spectator: Maybe America Hasn't Suffered Enough.

Mark Dice: Midterm fallout - what now?

Mark Dice gives us analysis of a still developing story, Election Day 2022.

Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Kari Lake tells Arizonans to stay in line: "Don’t let this craziness stop you"

There are numerous problems with voting machines in Arizona's largest county, Maricopa. 

Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake has perfect advice for Arizonans--stay in line. And also, "Don't let this craziness stop you."

Gutfeld: Elon Musk is cleansing Twitter of lame comedians

This Gutfeld clip includes the latest on alleged-comedian Kathy Griffin, who briefly returned to Twitter, using her deceased mother's account, after her own account was suspended for impersonating Elon Musk.

Monday, November 07, 2022

5 killed and at least 32 others wounded in Chicago over weekend; one mass shooting

Over the past weekend five people were shot to death at least 32 other people were wounded in Chicago. Five teens were shot--one of them fatally. 

And there was a mass shooting outside a River North night club early Sunday morning where four people were shot--and one of those victims was killed.

When you shop through Amazon please do so through Marathon Pundit

Do you buy items or stream content through Amazon? If so, do so through Marathon Pundit. 

It costs you nothing extra and the money I receive offsets some of my expenses in running this blog. To get started, click on any Amazon ad you see on Marathon Pundit.

Saturday, November 05, 2022

Squeeze - Cradle to the Grave

Here's a terrific sounding tune from the later part of Squeeze's career, the title track from "Cradle to the Grave."

Friday, November 04, 2022

Mark Dice: CNN is having some MAJOR problems 😂

CNN's problems continue, even after it tossed Brian Stelter and Jeffrey Toobin overboard

Thursday, November 03, 2022

From Doug Ross: Don't Cry For Me, America

Around 100 years ago Argentina and the United States weren't far apart economically. Then came massive government spending on social programs in Argentina. 

Doug Ross explains

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Where are the fact-checkers? Biden blunders by claiming he spoke to the ‘inventor’ of insulin

Here's another made-up story from Joe Biden. He claims that he spoke to the inventor of insulin. But the men who did so, both Nobel Prize recipients, died before Biden was born

Where are the fact-checkers?

Mark Dice: It's exactly the opposite of what the media is saying

The mainstream media continues to be out of step with what is really going on in the real world. Actually, they are getting worse.

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Pritzker Released Cop Killer - Radio ad

Her's the latest radio ad from People Who Play By The Rules PAC.

Jean Cable: “My uncle was a sergeant in the Chicago Police Department, and he loved being a Chicago police officer. He was with a patrol officer, Anthony Rosado, and on the evening of July 17, 1970, they were assassinated.” 

Jean Cable is still incensed more than a year after the Illinois Prisoner Review Board released convicted cop killer Johnny Veal for the 1970 Cabrini Green sniper killing of her uncle, police sergeant James Severin.

“I never thought I'd see the day where convicted cop killers would be released on the street--and people would be OK with it.” 

For decades, Jean and her family had the support of governors and prosecutors, Democrats and Republicans, to keep her uncle’s killer behind bars…until JB Pritzker. 

“We did not get any letters whatsoever from Governor Pritzker opposing parole. When you kill a police officer it's an unforgivable crime. My message to the governor would be: shame on you.” 

Punish JB Pritzker for releasing a cop killer.

14 wounded, including 3-year-old, in Halloween mass shooting in Chicago

Chicago's East Garfield Park is no stranger to violent crime. Halloween evening was not an exception, as 14 people were wounded last night in a drive-by mass shooting. A three-year-old boy and two other children are among the wounded.

According to Chicago's police superintendant David Brown, mass shooting took place during a vigil and a balloon release.

Also during the carnage, a woman was struck by a car.

Van Morrison live: All Saints Day

November 1 is All Saints' Day. And there is no better song for today than, sans the apostrophe, a jazzy performance of Van Morrison's "All Saints Day."

Related post of mine at Da Tech Guy