Friday, July 22, 2016

NBA All Star game pulls out of Charlotte because of same-sex bathroom bill

A quick glance at most of the stories about the National Basketball Association taking its All Star game out of Charlotte next year and you'll think it's because North Carolinians hate gays and have no problem discriminating against them.

Here's the real story: North Carolina passed a bill that confirmed the social precedent of the last 150 years or so, in other words, as long as there have been public bathrooms. Men use the men's room and Women use the women's room, regardless of the gender people think they are.

But the Gay Mafia, which as the ears of President Obama and his leftist followings, had a fit after the Tar Heel State enacted its bathroom bill. The NBA, not wishing to offend the GM and the .001 percent of the population that wants to change genders, announced yesterday that next year's All Star game will not be held in Charlotte.

Before the new Charlotte Hornets they were the Bobcats. I attended a game there. There were men's rooms, women's rooms, but no "whatever" rooms.

And no one was angry.

This was just four years ago.

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