Wednesday, October 09, 2013

SpiteHouse: National Park goons remove handles from trail water fountains

C&O Canal in Georgetown
Yes, they are attacking trails. They can't close trails off--so the Obama-cized NPS goons are making the use of them less pleasant.

From CatholicOnline:
Until very recently, the National Park Service was one of the least-loathed government agencies in the country. Now, with orders from on high to keep the public from visiting beloved parks and monuments the agency is developing a poor reputation.
It what looks like a spiteful move, the NPS even removed handles from water spigots along the Chesapeake and Ohio canal where bikers and joggers exercise as well as along the Great Allegheny Passage, just to ensure people don't get any water from them.

Instead of saving money, the NPS is expending additional resources to go out of its way to close such locations and to make people miserable.

There's really no scenario where this ends well for the NPS. First, several of their workers have lost their wages, workers are working without pay, and when the dust settles, heads will roll in subsequent investigations. The NPS is making itself unpopular with the American public, which is stewing for vengeance as the weather turns cold and bitter.
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  1. Anonymous4:05 PM

    They are indeed Crusin' for a brusin'

  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Since the National Parks actually seemed to be more accessible to the public that owns them when the rangers weren't working overtime to keep us out, perhaps we need to look carefully at the NPS budget -- fewer rangers on duty means more open parks for us. So -- fewer rangers. And fewer rangers need fewer supervisors. So -- win, win.

  3. Anonymous4:35 PM

    "But the pump don't work cause the vandals took the handle!" How's that for irony?

  4. Anonymous4:41 PM

    No question, the activities of NPS since the shutdown can only be remedied by privatizing all parks and monuments under its jurisdiction.

  5. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I meant to say transfer all lands under NPS jurisdiction to the states in which they are located

  6. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Actually, it is a criminal offense for a furloughed worker to do any government work during the furlough period.To legally, if that is the word, act like goons, they have to be un-furloughed and on the clock.

  7. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Yeah right, I want THESE people in charge of my children's healthcare.

  8. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Isn't this part of winterizing?

    If not, it needs to be prosecuted as vandalism. I don't care who ordered it, it's still either vandalism or legitimate maintenance.

  9. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Every spending bill the House sends to the Senate should include the total defunding of the National Park Service - abolish it completely - and the transfer of all federal park land to the states which contain that park land. Terminate the NPS and the need for it.

  10. Anonymous6:03 PM

    My son works in Yellowstone. The rangers do not like having to keep people out. They are getting their orders from higher ups. Most of them are seasonal with low pay and no benefits.

  11. Handleless water fountains can be hacked with a screw driver. Rise up, Americans.

  12. Anonymous7:19 PM

    "getting their orders from higher ups" didn't save the Nazi Goons at Nuremburg; and it won't save the Ranger Goons from appropriate retribution from Park visitors.
    Does he really believe that visitors will treat him with respect ever again, even after this is over? From this point on, people will view all NPS Rangers as the mindless, insensitive, conscienceless Goons they are today.
    "seasonal with low pay and no benefits" makes your excuse even more pathetic. Sounds like your son has little to lose by refusing to be a pawn in this childish "Spite House Political Theatre of the Absurd."

  13. Anonymous7:51 PM

    What kind of people do this? The "Greens" are every bit as sick and petulant as a union thug...may they stew in their misery.

  14. This is just pathetic. How stupid can the Obama administration get????

    How on earth can they think these optics make them look "good" and the GOP bad?

    No. One. Can. Be. That. Stupid.

    But they can be that arrogant and drunk on power.

  15. I think everyone should treat NPS rangers, after this is over, with the utmost, uh, disrespect, they have had for us.

  16. Anonymous8:44 PM

    The various NPS dickheads have earned my everlasting loss of respect and cooperation as a result of their earnest thuggery.

  17. Anonymous9:15 PM

    This is a completely normal, yearly process to prepare for cold weather. Derp!

  18. While we moan and groan over all these Obama & his Government Drone Minions......

    Just wait till they control your healthcare.

    What is going on now with National Parks is nothing.
    Soon they will control And that's the goal

    Kiss your ass and Liberty good bye.

  19. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Could someone explain how taking a handle off a water fountain winterizes it.

  20. It's 57 degrees as I write this comment in Washington--12:52 AM Eastern--it's hardly winter.

  21. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Outdoor folks carry stuff like Leatherman tools you Bozo's. Talk about sh*t for brains.


  22. Could someone explain how taking a handle off a water fountain winterizes it.

    It prevents water from being pumped into an above ground pipe where it can freeze and burst that pipe.
    Don't you take your hose in about now?

  23. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Underground pipes only burst if: 1 - thpipe is buried shollower than the 'frost line' [which is a Building Code - violation]. 2 - there is a freeze that is hard enough and cold long enough to freeze the area of ground that the pipe is in. 3 - the water remains 'still' in the pipe [just a tiny trickle will prevent lines from freezing. 4 - assuming that actual 'pipe' was used [vs. handrail tubing or some other knockoff stuff [and not using 'pipe' is a Building Code violation],it takes more than one freeze of the same region of a pipe to get it to have swelled enough to burst - thpically more than three freezes in the exaxt same place.

  24. Anonymous8:21 PM

    The Land of the Decree and the Home of the Slave

  25. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Do you guys REALLY want to know why the handles are removed, or do you prefer to just keep going with this conspiracy nonsense? The park service tests the water weekly for safety since it's drawn directly from an aquifer and not a municipal source. They now don't have the resources to do this so the remove the handles in the interest of public safety (just as if the water tests bad).

    FYI, winterization of the pumps doesn't usually happen until November (and yes, it is to prevent freezing, these pumps draw water from underground and don't retain water when not in use. They're pumps, not 'drinking fountains' as the article suggests).
