Saturday, March 03, 2012

Obama campaign admits: Cash means access to president

Yes, a campaign contribution, even a very small one, can mean access to President Obama.

From 'Janet from Accokeek, MD' by way of an Obama-Biden email:
I guess I should finally start listening to my father, Milton (he's 86 years old).

He always taught me that when you give, you receive.

"Janet," my dad said, "You gotta start supporting President Obama. Support your politicians. Support the President, so that your voice can be heard."

"I do support the President," I told him.

"Prove it."
"When you give you receive," and "Support the President, so that your voice can be heard." It's all there. It's quid pro quo.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama is the most bought President in the history of this country. If poor little Janet thinks her paltry contribution is going to get his ear, I have a bridge I'd like to sell her.