Friday, July 18, 2008

Democrats' pond scum energy plan

The Democrats are clearly on the wrong side of the energy issue. But as usual, they claim they know better than the American pubic.

David Harsanyi explains in his latest Denver Post column:

Don't worry, though, congressional Democrats have a bold plan. Hold on for 10 or 15 years and they'll have a bounty of energy options. They promise. But no oil shale. No clean coal. No nuclear power. And definitely no more oil. They will not enable your revolting, inefficient lifestyle. (My note: Except for themselves.) In the short-term, offshore drilling, especially, is a pie-in-the-sky fairy tale. Unlike, say, pond scum and hydrogen fuel packs.

On the bright side, it seems that reality is beginning to overtake fantasy. This week, Newt Gingrich's American Solutions for Winning the Future group delivered 1.3 million signatures to Congress, demanding that Washington allow more drilling. A recent Zogby International polls shows 74 percent of likely voters support offshore drilling in U.S. coastal waters, and 59 percent favor drilling for oil in the
tundra of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

There are few issues in America that offer this kind of impressive "unity." But apparently when unity doesn't align with left-wing orthodoxy, we need more "leadership" to explain why we're wrong.

Presumptive presidential nominee Barack Obama called offshore drilling a "gimmick." According to other Democrats, prices would not be affected for five years and oil companies probably would not use the leases anyway.

Meanwhile, Al Gore was in Washington yesterday, where spoke about his vision (delusion?) of a fossil fuel-free America in ten years. While he spoke, according to the Fox News Channel, his fleet of SUVs idled--the air conditioning was running.

Related David Harsanyi post:

"Nanny State" book is out

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Anonymous said...

Most Democrats want to change energy direction to wind and solar; the conservatives want to keep our addiction to oil until the last drop.
As for Gore's SUVs, this is a classic case of attacking the messenger. And,
I'm not a Gore supporter at all; I favor Ron Paul's ideas on government and Picken's ideas on energy.

Marathon Pundit said...

You guys are back. Hey, a hit is a hit. Please patronize the advertisers. Here's a'll be a bit more convincing if you created a profile, rather than posting anonymously.

But keep coming back. There's always the chance that I switch you over to what you now view as the "dark side."

Remember, Ronald Reagan was once a liberal Democrat. David Horowitz and Whittaker Chambers were Communists.

Although I'm a Republican and a White Sox fan, I'm not stupid. I realize that oil is a finite resource. But the technology isn't there to switch over to solar--affordably at least.

I support wind power. So does Teddy Kennedy, but just not the Cape Wind project.

Ron Paul is an idiot.