Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ward Churchill: Not too many speaking gigs: CORRECTED

Controversial University Colorado Professor Ward "Little Eichmanns" Churchill does not seem to have any upcoming appearances according to his agency, Speak Out. In the past, Speak Out listed Ward's speaking itinerary, those engagements usually took place on college campuses.

Yes, I did find this gig, he'll be in Toronto this weekend at some anti-globalization event sponsored by the Conference of the Student Anti-Imperialist Network. Tickets just are $2 to $5 (Canadian), so it's a good assumption that Churchill is not getting his usual $5,000 to give his typical anti-American rant.

(Note, an alert reader informs me this event was last year!)

But other than that, there is nothing I can find regarding Ward's speaking schedule. Relax, America's universities haven't turned conservative, it's more likely that Ward is viewed as too hot to handle by university special events departments.

Ward's speaking engagement at DePaul University last October was a debacle for that school, further damaging the tattered reputation DePaul has in regards allowing non-politically correct opinions to be expressed: Students who wanted to protest Churchill's appearance were bullied by the DePaul administration.

Churchill was scheduled to speak at the University of Winnipeg in November. Opposition by Canadian Native American groups as well as the family of Ward's deceased wife, Leah Kelly, sank Churchill's trip to Manitoba. He still got paid, leaving the University of Winnipeg Students Association $5,000 poorer for the experience--but maybe a little wiser in thinking through who to invite to speak there.

Certainly, Ward Churchill won't be invited back to the University of Winnipeg.

Also in November, Ward's macho image got him in trouble at Seattle's Shoreline Community College. The AK-47 on his shoulder in the above photo was amputated via PhotoShop. Guns present a bad image at Shoreline.

Yes, Ward Churchill is still a professor at the University of Colorado. But it looks like his days as a highly paid speaker on college campuses are over.

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