Monday, November 28, 2005

Warren Community College student Rebecca Beach to be on Hannity & Colmes tonight

Rebecca Beach is the Warren Community College student who was the target of the ire of Professor John Daly.

After announcing the on-campus visit of an Iraq war hero on campus, Daly sent a hateful e-mail to Rebecca. Here is an excerpt:
I will continue to expose your right-wing, anti-people politics until groups like your won't dare show their face on a college campus. Real freedom will come when soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors and fight for just causes and for people's needs -- such freedom fighters can be counted throughout American history and they certainly will be counted again.

Tonight at 9pm Eastern Time (8pm Central), Beach will be a guest on the Hannity & Colmes Show on Fox News.

Professor Daly did one decent thing. He resigned once the e-mail became public. Too bad Ward Churchill hasn't followed the same honorable path.

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