Thursday, June 16, 2005

East St. Louis "$10 per vote" trial update

The East St. Louis vote fraud trial carries on. Votes were allegedy for sale at just $5 a head, but shrewd haggling got the bidding up to $10 per vote.

It's a crazy one, as one witness, a former ESL cop, claimed not to know what a "snitch" was. Months earlier, the same cop bragged on videotape that he was a snitch. That was yesterday.

Today, a prosecutor asked the judge for permission to declare one of his witnesses "hostile" because her in-court testimony didn't match earlier under-oath versions of what she says happened.

Last two links come to us from the Belleville News-Democrat.

There are other memory gaps in East St. Louis in regards to the votes-for-sale trial, as this post explains.

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