Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Associated Press runs story on SIU's Jonathan Bean

Southern Illinois University is feeling the heat on the "witch hunt" being led against SIU history professor Jonathan Bean. Courtesy of the Belleville News-Democrat (they do a great job in quickly grabbing stories from the AP wire, as does CBS 2 Chicago) , the story acknowledges the uproar among free speech activists, and the effect is being felt:

This quote comes from one of the "PC Six" at SIU, Rachel Stocking:

"What we did was to exercise our free speech by basically criticizing his teaching methods," she said. "It's significant that people who spoke against racism on a college campus have been subjected to this kind of attack."

That quote makes no sense. But then again, Rachel is running for cover now, and is trying to talk her way out of her predicament.

Also from that article:

Bean said he has received a letter from the dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Shirley Clay Scott, saying she considers the matter closed and that he faces no disciplinary action.

Well at least the matter is closed! But I hope Dean Clay wasn't at one time considering disciplinary action.

The AP article mentions that some of the professors received "nasty e-mails" from free speech advocates. I just wonder, were those e-mails nasty because the PC professors didn't agree with the content?

And finally, the New Media continues to grow in strength.

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